Below are ideas that I am currently playing with
If these ideas resonate, reach out on LinkedIn
Co-creating a company (PAST)
I feel clarity on the energy behind the next company I want to start. Coming from co-creation, love, wholeness, and patience. Yet I don’t know the form that it should take. Can I trust the process of collaborating with other people in finding that form, instead of having to think of it all myself? Letting the collective intelligence help guide me in the direction needed for the collective.
Co-living Community (CURRENT)
The idea is to bring together a group of friends (and potential family), get a plot of land, and for each person to build their own house / space. The most important part will be that it will be centralised around a communal living space & kitchen.
Leadership Development Program (CURRENT)
The idea is to develop a program in Amsterdam / around the world for leaders mainly focussed on personal growth. To have conscious & aware leaders is essential in the development of consciousness in the world.