Below are ideas that I am currently playing with
If these ideas resonate, reach out on LinkedIn
Scaling Awareness in Organisations (CURRENT)
This idea is in its very early stages. The idea of being self-aware (reflective), aware of your team (communication), and having an awareness of your organization (system-awareness), is growing in popularity. More and more individuals and organizations realize they need to develop the capacity for awareness. Yet where do you start? Do you get everyone to start meditating in the organization to become more self aware, or do you focus on giving constant feedback?
Executive Tool Kit
A entire software set built for executives trying to run a company. A lot of the software today is HR software, meant to help HR teams with hiring, firing, employee management. What if you would develop a software toolkit, with all the software and analytics needed for executives to run the company and function as a high performing team?
Living furniture items
Our built environment is so dead in general. We live in brick streets, with brick houses, built from non-living materials. In the living room with dead furniture and other items. The only way to get something living into our house is to buy plants. What if we could buy living furniture?
Digitised Testaments & Funeral Profile
Death is an incredibly interesting way to help people become more aware of the life that they are living. What if we could build a digitised testament so that it could be a more transparent process, and where they can easier start making & adjust their testament
Co-creating a company (PAST)
I feel clarity on the energy behind the next company I want to start. Coming from co-creation, love, wholeness, and patience. Yet I don’t know the form that it should take. Can I trust the process of collaborating with other people in finding that form, instead of having to think of it all myself? Letting the collective intelligence help guide me in the direction needed for the collective.
Phone-less Retreats (CURRENT)
This is a moment in time where many people recognise the phone epidemic and also their own unhealthy relationship to their phones. Therefore the concept can offer them a very straight forward solution to changing this relationship to their phone.
Circles of Success (PAST)
The idea is to bring together a group of people on regular basis that help coach each other. Not in terms of how people normally define success, but in how success is defined for them.
TikTok for Education
User-to-User made content. Unlike TikTok, content that actually teaches you something and enriches your life. It would be purely education based - and you could follow specific teachers.
Co-living Community (CURRENT)
The idea is to bring together a group of friends (and potential family), get a plot of land, and for each person to build their own house / space. The most important part will be that it will be centralised around a communal living space & kitchen.
BPM system on the blockchain
The idea is to start a business using the blockchain as BPM (business process management). Redistributing the shares / shareholder value to all the people that work for the business evenly. This way 1000’s of people can be working for a company that operates in a decentralised way, and get rewarded for the tasks / projects that they complete personally.
Wearable EEG to measure concentration (CURRENT)
A wearable brainwave scanner that lets you know when your meditation is going well & when you should stop working. Through the use of wearable EEG brainwave scanner we can measure low-frequency “alpha” waves indicate a relaxed state; higher-frequency “beta” or “gamma” waves indicate a busy or concentrating mind.
Consciousness Cafe
The idea is to start a consciousness cafe in Amsterdam. A place where people can come together to drink a coffee and talk openly. A place that also has a workshop space where there are meditation classes & other types of workshops.
Leadership Development Program (CURRENT)
The idea is to develop a program in Amsterdam / around the world for leaders mainly focussed on personal growth. To have conscious & aware leaders is essential in the development of consciousness in the world.